Sunday 23 November 2008

In Theory Anything Is Possible

It is commonly recognized that the surname FitzHenry was first recorded for the illegitimate child of King Henry I, the youngest son of William the Conqueror and Princess Nesta, the daughter of King Rhys of Deheubarth. The child born in 1104 was known as Henry FitzHenry. He was literally named the “bastard son of Henry.” What an auspicious way to get “our” start! (King Henry I is pictured at right.)

It has always been thought that certain FitzHenry families may be descendents of King Henry I. The theory sounds reasonable, but how could it be proven? Our recent DNA result could be the first step in that direction. It certainly provides more information than we’ve ever had before.

According to Prince Charles biographer, Anthony Holden, His Royal Highness can claim King Niall of the Nine Hostages as an ancestor. Does this also mean that King Henry I was a descendant of Niall as well? If so, our FitzHenry Y-chromosome match to Niall could be the first evidence that the story is true. Is Niall a common ancestor to King Henry I and our DNA participant?

What do you think?

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1 comment:

  1. There are some indications that Prince Charles may get his connection to Niall from Matilda, the wife of King Henry I. If that information is correct, we are back to where we started. Where did this branch of the FitzHenrys originate and how are they related to Niall?
