Monday, 23 February 2015

Online genealogy resources for Cincinnati, Ohio

I'm working my way round the Fitzharris family of Cincinnati at present.

I've found two online resources which are outside my usual range of "go to" collections to search.

The University of Cincinnati has a Digital Resource Commons website, including (yay!) index cards from the Cincinnati (Ohio) Health Department (Births and Deaths 1865-1912). Eleven Fitzharrises in there (put "Fitzharris" in the "global search" box), which dovetail nicely in with...

The St Joseph New Cemetery Association (records from the opening of this Catholic cemetery in Cincinnati  in 1854). The search page is here, and don't forget to search on parents' names too. And also don't forget to read the section on the history of the cemetery.

Overall I couldn't find any Fitzhenrys at all in Cincinnati in the 19th century (from my usual record sets and including these ones) and from what I can see, most of the 20th century too.
For those who have found the new green look to the Blog a bit startling - yes, it surprised me a bit too. I may have to tone it down...

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